About Us

We at Stoetzel's Planet Chiropractic in Lemont, IL, can help our patients with a variety of different injuries and conditions. Our family chiropractor, Dr. Paul Stoetzel, has services for the entire family. We can help with chiropractic adjustments, nutrition, lifestyle advice, and more for all ages. Our treatments are natural, non-invasive, and are aimed at improving your health and wellness. We are ready to help you find pain relief and healing.

What Personal Injuries Can Our Pediatric Chiropractor Help You With?

Are you looking for a chiropractor in Lemont, IL? At Stoetzel's Planet Chiropractic, we emphasize the importance of improving your health using our health and wellness techniques, nutrition, and chiropractic care. This helps reduce illness and pain for our patients as well as helps promote healing.

If you’ve been suffering from back pain stemming from auto accident injuries, we can help you on your road to recovery. Our treatments, because we focus on holistic medicine, often help our patients’ general wellness, even after auto accident injuries. This helps them reduce their risks of injury in the future and helps improve the quality of life.

Who We Treat And How We Do It

Chiropractic care helps the entire family, even infants. Dr. Stoetzel is an experienced pediatric chiropractor. Even those who don’t seem to have any problems are suitable candidates for chiropractic care.

We are a family chiropractic practice. Our goal is to help our clients restore their bodies using natural chiropractic care. Therefore, we believe in educating our patients. It is our hope to help our clients holistically. Waiting for symptoms to show up and then acting is a bad model. It is easier to maintain your health with holistic medicine than react to a crisis.

Dr. Paul Stoetzel believes in educating our patients. This helps them make better choices with their chiropractic care.  This enables our patients to be self-reliant without needing to come in for constant treatment, though we highly recommend regular visits for treatment. Your input helps him customize a wellness and chiropractic program targeted to your individual needs.

We can work with you to help you achieve your health goals. Our job is to offer you the best chiropractic care possible. When you can do things, you haven’t been able to do in a long while, your joy of life returns. It is our hope to bring this joy back into your life.

Contact Us for More Information from our Family Chiropractor about Personal Injuries

Call us at (630) 257-8700 Stoetzel's Planet Chiropractic in Lemont, IL, to book an appointment.

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